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6 Ways to Keep Your Cat Active

cat playing with a feather toy

Cats are one of the most arrogant, egoistic, yet most lovable pets. Their unique character is what always attracts people to get one. Because cats are among the fiercest predators on the planet, having them as pets is quite amazing. They simply don’t care about anyone but themselves but are also huge attention seekers. These are the reasons why many people fall in love with them. Cats are also among most independent pets and are extremely lazy. So, since the laziness is a bad thing, we decided to name 6 things to do to keep your cat active. Let’s check them out.

Chaser Laser Lights

One of the most interesting activities that you can do with your cat is to make it chase a laser light. There is something that triggers them when they see the light and it makes them jump left and right to catch it. The best part about making your cat chase laser light is that you can just sit on the couch, while your cat is having the time of its life. 

There are some explanations which tell why cats are chasing laser lights and they are worth a read. It’s connected with how their brain processes the laser. Every extra piece of information on your pet is valuable as you educate yourself on the topic and allow your cat to have a better and more pleasant life. 

Get Some Toys

Not only do cats love to chase laser lights, but they are also extremely fond of toys. The most popular toys are catnips, balls, and strings. You may have known them as they often appear in numerous movies/cartoons about cats. Such is the case with Tom & Jerry. You can see Tom playing with these toys on numerous episodes. 

Walk On A Leash

This may sound strange, but taking your cat on a walk with a leash is something that a lot of cat owners do regularly. As you may know, cats are extremely curious and it’s almost impossible to make them walk with you side-by-side. The leash will help you keep your cat close by, while also exploring the neighbourhood.

Get A Tree

Have you ever had a Christmas tree decorated just so that it can be destroyed by your cat while climbing? Cats love climbing, so instead of decorating around your house just to be obliterated by your cat, why not get a tree that serves its purpose? That way, you will keep your furniture safe and your cat will have a place to use the extra energy.

Play With Your Cat

Playing with your cat is extremely important if you want to bond with your pet. There are different ways to play with kittens and adults though. Since kittens are considered babies, you need to be more careful and keep them out of range from sharp objects. Get a ball with a jingle bell and amuse your pet. 

You can be looser with adult cats since they are extremely curious and willing to do anything. Since cats are nocturnal creatures, you can dim the lights and come up with an interesting game to play.

Choose The Food Wisely

Feeding good food to your cat is important if you want to keep it active and healthy. Make sure you feed it with every basic ingredient that it needs. The better the diet is, the more active your cat will be. The same case applies to humans. Since pets are like family members, you need to take care of them like you take care of your son/daughter.



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